Field Trips To The Learning Center
We LOVE teaching students at the farm. Donna has 36 years of education experience and many years in outdoor education. Your group will be the only group here and you will have our complete attention and time. We will custom plan the time that you are here. We want the trip to the farm to be an extension of your classroom, not an isolated event. The time at the farm should undergird your classroom content and create “hooks” for students to hang information on to better access it later. Field Trips for Schools, Daycares’ and Home school groups, designed to meet your needs.
Bring Sack/picnic lunches
One teacher per class:
other extra attendees {parents, grandparents and siblings over 3:
Small Groups:
$150 (Minimum)
Students WILL Learn The Following
Learning Outdoors
Children need to experience the outdoors. Students today spend more time indoors than ever before.
Allowing for learning in nature is ensuring a sense of understanding of the interactive process of life.
Environmental Stewardship
Outdoor education allows children to learn and play in the natural environment. They see, hear, touch and smell the world around them. As students learn about the natural world that supports them they come to care about it and understand their/our responsibility to it.
Experimental Learning
As the natural world becomes their classroom the students engage fully in the learning process. They reinforce what has been taught in the classroom with things that they can interact with and allow for knowledge to find a hook that leads to understanding and greater learning.
Critical Thinking And Problem Solving
Practicing communication skills, team building, problem seeking and problem solving, exercising and developing leadership skills, are a part of the experience of outdoor education. There is no cookie cutter lesson, nature will always show us something new.
Field Trip Activities Include the Following:
Station One
Hayride - on the hayride the students will see the entire farm and will learn about the Christmas trees and other native and non-native plants on the property. There is a stop at the compost bins to talk about resources and composting.
Station Two
Farm Zoo
Farm Zoo - students see/learn about and pet the animals in the farm zoo.
Station Three
Learning Activity - planned by Donna and Teachers - can include craft or activity and restroom break.
Station FOur
Students will learn from a real functioning garden.
Required Forms:
“Nature inspires creativity in a child by demanding visualization and the full use of the senses...In nature a child finds freedom, fantasy, privacy..”
Scheduling A Field Trip
Book your date on our Facebook calendar. You will be sent a confirmation or request to reschedule.
Fill out field trip request form and submit
Print field trip request form to bring with you day of with final numbers
Print out Accident Waiver forms for students/parents. You can have one paper copy for every family or have digital signings and send to me.
Contact Donna at dghollowell@sbcglobal.net below:
or call 817-713-6114 to schedule your trip.
We will work with you to tailor make the perfect educational and fun experience for you and your students.
We will meet with teachers at your school before the trip.