* The Choose and Cut field is Looking Good For 2024, but limited numbers available *
We are still suffering the loss of entire fields 2 years ago, but we will have some great trees from 5 ft to 81/2 ft to sell Friday November 29. All first come first serve. Please no drop offs at the gate. We have saws or bring your own. Gates open at 9 am.
Cut Your Own Virginia Pine
Buy a pre-cut Fraser Fir
Virginia Pine Tree field has trees this Christmas Season ready to cut! Bring the family and enjoy the experience of cut your own tree. We provide a saw but you are welcome to bring your own. Taking home the perfect tree for your home is a special experience. If you want to cut your own tree we advise that you come the first weekend since we often sell out of cut your own trees quickly! For those who miss out on our Virginia Pines or don’t want to cut your own, we also offer quality pre-cut Fraser Fir Christmas Trees from a tree farm in NC. They are shipped directly to us right after they are cut, upon arrival each tree is placed in water. You don’t have to buy a tree to visit our farm. Just come out and enjoy the friendly Christ centered atmosphere and have fun with your family. Our farm is dedicated to celebrating the true meaning of Christmas. We want to create priceless family memories that they will cherish for a life time.
Alvarado Hours
9am - 5pm
Starting the Fri., Sat. & Sun. after Thanksgiving and then we are open every weekend until we sell out of trees.
Friday the 29 12-9 then 12-5 Monday through Friday and 12-9 Saturday and 1-8 Sunday
Hot Chocolate
Farm Zoo
Obstacle Course
Kids Climbing Wall
Life Size Checkers
“You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.”
Photography at the farm.
Sunset Hill Tree Farm
3400 County Road 206 Alvarado, Texas 76009
9am to 5pm
Starting the Fri., Sat. & Sun. after Thanksgiving and then we are open every weekend until we sell out of trees.